Friday, January 06, 2006
potatoes and carrots and broccoli, oh my
sean came to pick me up this afternoon and she was on time!!!!!! we went to the really big Big Y (grocery store). it even has a little day care in there so that people can drop their kids off while they shop. i thought it would be fun in there but sean said that i had to push a carriage "like a big girl." drat! we got through the shopping without me having any major anxiety attack. and i now have food in the house. she bought a yogurt maker. have no idea how it works. on the way home, she asked me what i wanted to do tomorrow. thinking that i'd had enough excitement going shopping. i said coffee. she asked if i wanted to go to lunch. i said, coffee is good.
i got home in time to unpack my bags and have a smoke before i had to leave to meet my sister. my sister brought a package from my nephew and his girlfriend. she had hand-made a scarf (his girlfriend). it's really neat. not like any material i've seen before. and they gave me chocolates shaped like little coffee cups with froth inside. they must have gotten them while they were in Italy. my sister and i both had one. they're delicious. which reminds me that i left them in the trunk of my car. they're the kind of chocolate you wait for special occasions to pull out. they're very rich. i might bring sean one if i'm feeling generous. marsha would like them too but she's away for a couple of weeks. more for me!
we had a nice dinner. (prime rib for $7.99, can't beat it.) but the special is only good if you get a beverage. if you get water, you have to pay the full price. if you order a soda, you get the deal. silly.
my sister seemed in pretty good spirits. i guess she's staying with bumblefuck. she didn't come out and say it but i got that impression. and i didn't want to come out and ask her. and she did a pretty good job with her dinner. she's the only one that i know who orders french fries with prime rib. she didn't have a lot of fries but she ate all her meat. and some things from the salad bar. pickled beets. yuck! actually, i've never had them but they look gross. i've never had beets at all. i wouldn't even know how to cook one.
we left the restaurant and moved hers and the boys christmas presents from my trunk to hers. yes, i even got her dogs something.
i said she seemed in good spirits but just beneath the surface i could feel a lot of pain. or something. one of her sons has been staying there since before christmas. he was in the middle of changing jobs. now he's got an apt. lined up for the end of the month that is closer to where he works. i think she's really going to miss him. it showed on her face that she was sad about that.
and i know that she felt bad about not being able to do any christmas shopping. i remember how that feels. both because of money and because you can't get yourself out to do it. i wish that she could have a good time for a change. that good things could happen for her. she always seems to be going through something hard. i don't think she's been the same since our mother died. she wasn't particularly close to her. she did call her everyday (cause she knew i'd kick her ass if she didn't), but she worked only five mintues away and never stopped in to see her. i told her how much it would me to our mother for her to stop by, and she said, i know. she just couldn't/didn't want to deal with her. but once she got really sick, my sister was right there alongside me. for which i was and still am very grateful. i don't know what i would have done trying to be there all the time without someone to relieve me.
now i'm just babbling.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:44 AM ::
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