Tuesday, January 03, 2006
my car is free! and i didn't have to shovel. the plow guy came and made a sweep in front of the car and it was enough for me to get out. i'm so glad that i didn't have to shovel because it's very heavy snow. now my whole drive way is clear, yay!!!!
i'm not sure how many inches we have so far. maybe six or so, judging from what i swept off the car. maybe eight. it snowed pretty hard last night. i'm trying to will it to Texas but i guess it's not working.
fucking plows. you get all the driveway all clean and then they go by and shove the snow right back there. at least they're plowing the street. sometimes they don't get to it till nighttime.
i canceled my appt. with the squid today. using the snow as an excuse.
haven't heard from sean so i guess she's not in the office today. she's from San Francisco. she's a wimp when it comes to snow. hopefully we'll at least be able to talk on the phone.
i'm hungry. going to rummage around for something to eat.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:48 AM ::
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