Friday, December 30, 2005
i called...
Sean's "replacement" today to ask her to call the pharmacy and see if i could get my asthma medication (that i've been without for a week). i have trouble making those phone calls and i needed to know if they had my insurance up and running. she told me she'd call. i never heard from her, so i still don't know if i can get it or not. she must have gotten busy and forgot. that means tuesday before i get it, unless i get up the nerve to call them tomorrow. i'm coughing up lungs here. wonderful picture, isn't it? so, let down once again by someone from CSS. don't ask me what that stands for, i'd have to find sean's card to find out. i guess when you have so much contact with them, you're going to be let down once in a while. it's just hard.
tomorrow, regular nurse will set me up for sunday. i doubt that i'll see anyone on sunday. i miss sean. with sean i can always be myself. whether it's morose, depressed or feeling pretty good. we can have coffee and not say much to each to other and it still makes me feel better. i don't even want to think what i'd do without her. besides the clothespin chopsticks, she also gave me a bar of soap. (no, i don't think it was a hint) i started to open it and she said, smell it. thus concluding that it was soap. she wrapped it in fabric with copper wire around it holding a bead at the top. it was dragonfly fabric. maybe you need to see it to see how beautiful it is. i was glad that she stopped me. i still have it out but i'm going to put it in one of my dresser drawers.
i called my sister this afternoon. she's still not doing very well. she's not suicidal or homocidal, so they couldn't put her in the hospital against her wishes. but i feel like she should be there. i told her, you know that you can go straight to ES, right? (Emergency Services) but since there were no beds last week, she figures there won't be any this week. she told them when she went to the emergency room last week that she was having emotional problems and they didn't even have her talk to anyone from ES. i cut my arm and i have to talk to them, there's someone wanting to and they don't call them. makes no sense to me. she's still really confused about whether she should be with bumblefuck or not. she has like NO attention span. she can't work. she has to gain weight. but it's hard for her to gain weight even if she eats like a horse. just a really fast metabolism. like my dad did. she's got the whole long weekend to spend with bumblefuck. haven't asked her if she minds if i call him that. her primary care physician said to her,(about bumblefuck deciding that it was over) that if he did it once, he can do it again. i wanted to say that to her, along with a few other things.
everything just seems so screwed up....
Posted by Lisa ::
6:37 PM ::
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