Friday, December 30, 2005
Thank You
thank you to all of you who sent kind, supportive comments yesterday. they meant a lot to me.
i spent most of the day sleeping.
my bother called but i didnt hear the phone. it's just as well. i haven't talked to him in over a year. he left a message but i haven't listened to it yet. i didn't talk with my sister. i just didn't have it in me to call. plus, i never know when bumblefuck is around. and she didn't call me. i'm sure it was a hard day for her considering what she's been through lately, but i just couldn't call her. i feel pretty bad about that.
we have another anniversary coming up january 12th. the date my brother killed himself. actually it was the date that they found him. he's been dead for a few days. it'll be 25 years. it feels like yesterday. he was the best big brother than anyone could hope for. he being the oldest and me the youngest, i think that gave us a special bond. the only christmas memory i have is the year i got an electric train set. he and i set it up around the tree and played with it for hours. he was nine years older than i, so he must have been about sixteen. what sixteen year old now would have the patience and interest in doing that for their little sister?
Posted by Lisa ::
8:24 AM ::
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