Monday, December 26, 2005
second day
in a row that i've been totally alone, although the nurse did come this morning, it was a very quick visit. she woke me up actually.gave me my pills, asked me if i wanted to go back to bed. i said, yes and she left.
i'm not doing very well today. just dipped into my nighttime meds trying to calm myself down. the prns didn't seem to be working. i gave them over half an hour. i don't know what's wrong with me. i thought i'd be able to take another nap this afternoon but every time i laid down one or two of the cats would get on my and i felt trapped and had to get up. i keep thinking of people who are having celebrations today and it depresses me. i know that i'm not doing much to help myself. i should put in a movie or something. one of my friends called yesterday and i haven't even listened to the message yet.
to Sam: no chicken has no traditional meaning to me. it's been along time since i cooked a christmas dinner and that's just what i wanted. wanted the stuffing more. :)
Posted by Lisa ::
4:58 PM ::
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