Thursday, December 22, 2005
all i can think of to do is blog. there are a couple people i could call but they go to bed early.
i finally talked to my sister about half an hour ago. she'd been brought into a room at least and they'd taken blood and urine samples. she was freezing even though they brought her a warm blanket. it is so busy in there that she's not getting any attention. no doubt filled with men who fell off their roofs trying to put up christmas decorations. i told her to call me when she got to a room. that i would still be up. i'm not sure if they still shut the phones off at a particular time or not.
i called her supervisor and told her that she wouldn't be into work tomorrow. she seemed nice enough. my sister always describes her as a bitch. i guess she put on a pleasant attitude for me.
my sister was complaining that the door was wide open to her room and that everyone looked in as they went by. boy, could i remember that. she said she told them that her back really hurt and she needed a shot but they didn't seem to care. i don't know exactly what is wrong with her back, but she gets shots every once in a while, maybe once a month and she takes painkillers. she also takes ativan or xanax, i forget which for panic attacks. she was fine before our mother got sick. then she kind of fell apart and she hasn't been the same since. i think she carries a lot of guilt for not being there for here when she was sick. she used to say, i don't know how you do it (taking care of her), i couldn't do it. we're two very different people. we don't have a lot in common. but we're sisters. and that's all that matters.
it certainly looks like she's going to be in the hospital for christmas. i'll spend the whole day there if that's what she wants.
i'm sorry to do so many posts, like i said, i just don't know what else to do.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:39 PM ::
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