Thursday, December 22, 2005
my sister
i called her at one to see if she wanted to go to dinner. she sounded horrible, started to cry. said she needed to get some help.said she was going to call her primary care doctor but she had to wait until after he was back from lunch.
(things are going to come out all jumbled cause that's the way my brain is right now.) sean came, she was late, had a flat time. so i was with sean at the coffee shop and she asked if i wanted to call my sister. i said that i was just thinking about that. so i did and she was even worse, she hadn't called the doctor. she just kept saying that she didn't know what to do. i asked her if she wanted me to take her to the emergency room or call the doctor for her. she said that she'd call. she just kept saying, i don't know what to do. i don't know what to do. i can't make a decision. so i told her to call the doctor and then call me back. she called back and the doctor said that he could see her at three-fifteen. so i made plans to go get her. dumbass was at the store. ten minutes later she called back and said that dumbass was going to take her to the doctor. and i asked if that was all right with her. she said she guessed so. i asked if she wanted me to meet her there. she said, no, it was okay. she said she was afraid she was going to lose her job. i told her that they couldn't fire her for being sick.
she asked me in this little kids voice, if they were going to put her on West 5, the psych ward. i told her that i didn't know but i was thinking yes, they will.
i asked her to have super dumbass call me.
her friend just called to see what was going on. i told her that i hadn't heard anything yet. apparently she hasn't been eating or drinking. she told me that she was.
i think she's going to be in the hospital for a while. and though they can't fire her for that, they're the kind of people who would find something else to fire her for. she's an LPN, so she's not in the union. there's not much she can do. she doens't need that worry on top of everything else. and if they do find something else to fire her for, she can't afford a lawyer to fight it.
it's almost four. she should be at the hospital by now. i wish dumbass would call. and i wish that i didn't feel so damned helpless.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:25 PM ::
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