Monday, December 19, 2005
hairballs and other things
i've slept through most of the last two days. i guess saturday was a gift. i've felt shitty since. at one point today, while i was sleeping, i was awakened by the sound of a cat about to hurl. Boo was right on my chest, facing me. i scooted her off just in time to see her hyuk up a hairball. if i hadn't woke up and moved her, the damn thing would have landed right under my nose.
i'm finally going through my bills. i got a huge stack down to a stack that's current. i'll write out the checks later. 15 minutes at a time, right?
so this is the third day that i haven't gotten my periactin (for sleep and nightmares.) i finally asked regular nurse about it this morning and she said, off-handedly, oh, you must be out. i'll see if i can get you some more. the way she said it kind of ticked me off. like they were nothing. and she won't have them in the morning either because she comes to my house first and it'll be before she goes into the office where the meds would be delivered. and marsha can't give them to me tomorrow afternoon because she has a meeting and we changed our meeting time to wednesday. so i'll have to go two more nights without them.
tomorrow morning, i see the squid and then sean. sean was sick today. she gets sick more than anyone else i know. she didn't sound at all well. i feel guilty her asking how i'm doing when she doesn't feel well. but i guess that's her choice.
i think my oldest cat is getting hard of hearing. makes me not want to let her out. though with all the snow, she doesn't go far. and i hate to try to turn her into an indoor cat. she's been going out all her life. and she loves being out there in the warm weather.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:49 PM ::
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