Friday, December 16, 2005
okay, i'm back to confuse you more.
i put my car back in the driveway. this time making sure i was zipped and buttoned. even greeted my neighbors. not the Roos but the people in the house on the other side. usually i avoid having to speak with them at all costs. they're nice enough, i just don't do neighbors.
i just went to CNN website and saw what the storm did down south. 700,00 people without power. limbs down. looks awful. we were very lucky.
oh, the plow guy is out there sanding. what a good egg. the only thing, which i'm going to have to bring up at the next condo fest, is that he doesn't clean off the bulkheads. i've probably said that before. all of our breakers are down in one basement and if we can't get through the bulkhead we can't reset them if we have to. the unit is empty now, so there is no other way in.
and i'd like to eventually get my a/c down there. i guess for now, i could decorate it with christmas lights. or not.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:17 PM ::
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