Monday, December 12, 2005
yep, i wish i'd gotten a gas fireplace when i moved in. they have the kind that don't need venting. and they throw out a lot of heat. it's comfortable in here but i'd like to stare into it. much like Babs staring at the wall, i guess. the only drawback of a gas fireplace is that the flame is always the same. it doesn't dance around like a wood fireplace. which makes it even more like staring at the wall. the last time i was around a fireplace was up at H's dad's a couple of years ago. i miss that fireplace. i lived in an apt. that had a fireplace once. it heated the entire apt.forget cooking while it was going. you'd pass out. i used to like to make corn chowder when i lived there. nothing like some good choweder and fresh italian bread while you're curled up in front of the fireplace. the cats loved it. we (my then boyfriend N.) had a long haired double-pawed white and black cat. kind of looked like a Holstein. she used to love to stretch out in front of the fireplace. and N. brought Boo home then. she used to curl up in front of it. i got ticked off at N. for bringing home another cat without so much as a phone call to discuss it, but i got over it quickly. she was sweet from the beginning. fortunately it was fall because she liked to crawl up the back of my legs and my back to sit on my shoulder while i was doing the dishes. i guess a lot of kittens do that. all i know is that it hurt like hell with those tiny little fine-pointed little claws.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:52 AM ::
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