Friday, December 09, 2005
4 inches my arse. i just came in from shoveling out my car. we have at least 8, maybe 10 inches of snow. i'm not a good judge. i pulled my car out and backed it back in just to make sure that i was going to be able to get out of the driveway. it's finally stopped snowing. and they actually plowed our street!
regular nurse comes this morning and says, i love the snow. this is from a woman who has to drive around half the day in it. i told her she was nuts and offered her some of my meds.
other news of the day: i just got an email from my sister saying that the man she's living with has decided that he wants to go slow and try to work things out. she said she was prepared to hear whatever i had to say. needless to say, i certainly have thoughts about that. i dare not write back to her right now. heaven knows what would come out of my mouth. must gather my thoughts.
sean was supposed to call this morning but she never did. she may not have gone into work, though the snow didn't really get heavy til late morning. but still, she said she'd call. and i counted on that. i trust she didn't get run over by a snowblower.
fucking fucktard. (sorry my sister's email just popped into my head again.)
stern nurse is on this weekend. damn, she was on last weekend. i really hate it when she comes. even if she doesn't say anything about cleaning off my coffee table i spend the whole time she's here worried about what she's going to say. and i'll be meek and say, yeah, i know, instead of saying, find something else to obsess about witch! hrmphh.
i don't know. i think this whole day calls for a six-pack of Corona.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:32 PM ::
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