Tuesday, December 06, 2005
i'm about jumping out of my skin. that's what i get for trying to go without my prns.
i cancelled on Mr. draws-on-his-sideburns. left a voice mail that i'd call him tomorrow to reschedule.
i finally dug out the rescue remedy. i honestly didn't think it would do much good but i was inpatient for the meds to kick in. shortly after taking it, my shoulders and back were sore as hell. that meant that they were relaxing. i don't know if it was the meds kicking in or the drop of the remedy. i'm feeling less anxious and uncomfortable. i guess the klonopin and seroquel are starting to work. frankly i don't know what's working. but something is to an extent.
tomorrow i have my pdoc appt. she'll discontinue the effexor and i don't know what else she'll do. but instead of feeling better on this cymbalta, i'm feeling worse. more depressed, easily angered, my world revolves around when i can sleep.
saw the squid this morning. she'd changed her whole office around. don't they know that they shouldn't do that to patients. messes us all up. we talked about suicide a little. then she asked if she was pushing too much and i said yes. so she said she'd back off. which she did. i don't trust to talk to anyone about that who is in a position to "put me away." we talked about her plants way too much. i wish she had pansies like Babs is going to get. now that would spruce up her office. i saw four squirrels out the window which means that she owes me a lollipop. anything over three and i'm entitled to a dum-dum. obviously this is not hard core therapy.
i met sean and we talked little. one of my cafe hobbies is taking the little stirring sticks and bending them and then taking a piece of her Splenda package and rolling it into a ball and trying to catapult it into her coffee. my aim was off today and it stuck to her lip. she's very good-natured about the whole thing.
definitely calmer now. i need a cigarette....
Posted by Lisa ::
3:32 PM ::
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