Sunday, December 04, 2005
it's fucking cold and snowing here. why do i live here again?
i didn't have stern nurse this weekend. i was prepared for her but i had one of the nurses i like better instead. nice surprise.
i feel stupid posting about trivial things when Barb is going through hell. on the other hand, i count on posting to rid of things that i'm thinking about.
now it's snowing fucking harder. we're not supposed to get too much but if it keeps up like this we'll get a foot.
a woman just walked by with two greyhounds on leashes. one of them had a coat on. i feel sorry for those dogs. i'm very much against dog racing. can't stand the thought of it. it's always nice to see people have the retired ones as pets. my mother wanted on for a while but she wasn't well enough to walk it or anything, so it would have been my job to take care of it and that thought didn't thrill me. i like dogs but i didn't want all the responsibility. i preferred the cats. i wish she could have had a dog. if she wanted a smaller one, i think i could have dealt with it. but picking up greyhound poop was not on my list of wants. and knowing that the dog would have been mine once she passed was not sounding so swell to me either. i know H. would have hated it. his father's dogs (little ones) feel the need to piss all over the house. and he assumed every dog was like that.
did i tell you that my sister hit a deer? she drives a sports car, low to the ground and her front end is all messed up and driver's side rear view mirror is gone. her headlights are all messed up so she can't drive after dark. i think she's getting it fixed this week. i didn't ask about the deer. yeah, i told you this before. i'm scatter-brained lately. get up then realize i don't know what i got up for.
hey babs, do you have trouble getting the effexor down? i take a handful of pills in the morning and that's always the one that gets stuck and apparently breaks in half. tastes terrible. it seems to be stickier than the other capsules. i'll only be on it for a few more days. the other day i hiccuped after taking my meds and all this powder came streaming out of my mouth, followed by the bad taste. it would have been funny if it hasn't tasted so awful..
Posted by Lisa ::
7:56 AM ::
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