Wednesday, November 30, 2005
so i think i'm just going to keep posting until my head explodes. i don't know what the fuck i'm going to do. took the visions of poppers out of my head, that's for sure. i have to trust that it will all work out somehow. yeah, but how? anyway, i have to believe that. that they're not going to turn off my gas, my form of heat. and the next thing is the electricity, then the modem, my link to the world. don't know what i'd do without my modem. fall into a terrible depression probably. really. worse than the depression now. i have to clean my fucking house. i still have a fan up here. time for it to spend the winter in the basement. i packaged all my recyclable paper into plastic bags for sean to take. of course, it took most of it falling on the floor for me to do it. and i found some bras underneath which i'd forgotten that i ordered. much needed. as all of the ones that i've been wearing, have the left strap slipping down and driving me crazy. the fucking sun is out. did i say that already or was that in an email i sent? i don't know. i don't care. if you can't deal with me repeating myself, then just buggar off. (meant in the nicest way)
Posted by Lisa ::
2:02 PM ::
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