Saturday, November 26, 2005
it's fucking freezing in here. damned a/c. the cats are cold, i'm cold. i think the guppy is cold. he's taken to wearing a scarf. a red one. okay, it's actually just a piece of yarn but guppies don't have long necks. i'm warming my hands over a candle. it smells nicely of honeydew melon in here even though i've been smoking constantly. i guess i think it's going to warm me up or something.
i'm looking forward- NOT- to hot dogs again tonight. and i had to get white bread, was all they had. how special.
i don't remember what i wrote earlier, other than about the cat spewing on me, so forgive me if i repeat myself.
man, i want a nice huge warm sweater. do i have one? no.
some guy named Roy called me today. he works with sean. he was calling to check up on me, see if i needed anything. if he had said his name was Louise i would have believed him. he didn't exactly have a "manly" voice. he was very nice though. i got him off the phone as soon as possible. i hate talking to people i don't know. he said someone named Nan would call me tomorrow. great. i hate when sean puts her foot down and tells me these people are going to call instead of asking me. i always say no. unless you've opened a couple of veins and have changed your mind, what can these people do for you? nothing. it's just this polite call. "heard you were having a hard time. sean asked me to check in with you." "i'm okay." "nothing you need?" "no, thank you." i don't know what good sean thinks it does.unless it's just the procedure for covering one's arse.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:39 PM ::
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