Thursday, November 24, 2005
okay, there's snow on the ground and that's not making me happy. it's not making the poor cats happy either. ella wanted to go out at five-thirty, i opened the door and she said, snow, rats! used the litterbox and went upstairs for a nap. when oliver got up, he wanted to go outside, i opened the door and he said, oh no! what about my bladder? he seems to be afraid of the litterbox. he used it last winter. he kept sticking a paw in and running away. paced back and forth, stuck his paw in and ran away. i think he finally used it because he came and sat with me and didn't pee on me, which was a good sign.
talksalot said that if we got more than two inches of snow, someone would come by to clean up. well, we got about four and apparently no one is going to come by. someone shoveled the back side walk. the Roos are gone so i'm left to shovel the front. this isn't what i signed up for. i think talksalot should get her ass over here and do the walk. it's light snow, so it's not a big deal and the front walk isn't long, it's just the idea of it. i pay for the priveledge of NOT shoveling. dammit.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:25 PM ::
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