Sunday, November 20, 2005
i just had to restart the laptop for the first time since i got it back from the beer incident. it was loggy. it's perky now.
i have my clothes in the dryer, finally. forgot about them TMing with tiny. the heat still hasn't come on, must still be pretty warm out. or my furnace is broken...let's not go there.
i tried the whole peanuts and mustard thing. not a good way to go. might as well have been bologna and orange juice.
just ordered an eggplant parm ginder. taking my geodon late but with something to eat. which is the goal.
today has been such a weird day. getting up early, going back to bed after the nurse came. regular nurse. nowhere else to go. except to get cigarettes. i could deal very nicely with this not going out thing. actually cleaning a bit. deciding the cats and i will have chicken on thanksgiving. tried to call my friend, Lydia. she's never home when i called. was going to invite her out to dinner. i mean, she's never home when i call. not once in the past three months. and when she's called back, i'm in a mood when i just don't want to talk to anyone. so we just leave messages for each other. though i didn't leave a message today.
here comes the heat.
i'm so fucked up. have no family except my sister and i don't even see her on a regular basis. i used to. i don't know what happened. i think me being fucked up was just too hard to deal with. don't get too close, cause she might decide to off herself at any time. but i'm not at that place right now. i want to see what happens next.
i'll get to see sean tomorrow before going to the pdoc. we forgot to make a time, so i'll just meet her at the usual time and place before we go to an appt.
today was such a wasted day. the problem was i was awake for most of it. i'm just babbling. blah, blah,blah, blah....
Posted by Lisa ::
6:28 PM ::
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