Wednesday, November 16, 2005
i had myself a very nice nap this afternoon after a lunch of weiners. now, i don't especially like weiners, but they're only a dollar fifty nine at the convenience store. god knows what's in them.
it's windy as hell. i expect my car to come crashing into the side of the house any moment. yet it's still balmy out. all the cats are in, don't have to worry about any of them flying away.
marsha just came with my evening meds. she's' always so sweet, except when she's angry. then the tone of her voice could render you unconcious.
didn't have much time with sean today. she was running late (when isn't she?) and so it was taking out the trash and a quick coffee. we'll have more time tomorrow.
omg, three of the cats are on the couch. glad i'm not lying down or one of them would be stuffed up my nose.
now it's raining like hell and i have to go to get cigarettes. probably should have done that instead of taking a nap. i think it's supposed to be downpours all night. and i, of course, don't own a raincoat. i do have an umbrella but it's in the car.
damned kangaroos next door. up and down the stairs, up and down, up and down. i think i need a shotgun. this is more annoying than the lawn ball.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:11 PM ::
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