Tuesday, November 15, 2005
one hundred and eighty three dollars. that's how much my inhaler cost. if my insurance doesn't kick in soon (it goes back ten days from when it's active again) i'm going to have to pay for that. they said that i can pay over time. i gave them a small check when sean and i went to pick it up. sean said that one of the meds is over six hundred dollars, i don't know which one. fortunately, marsha has been able to get free samples of all the meds but one. i'm not sure which one.
we went to social security today and returned the uncashed checks, now i just have to call my case worker and figure out how much i still owe.
i think, if sean can rearrange her schedule a little bit, tomorrow morning we're going to the insurance office and try to get that going. i could never do this stuff by myself. but then, i guess that's why i qualified for an outreach worker in the first place. d'oh!
i just emailed my sister an invitation to thanksgiving dinner. it would be just the two of us but it's better than her sitting alone at home while asshole goes to his mother's. i guess i would have to find my salt shaker. she puts salt on everything. i guess i could tell her that she has to bring her own salt. i don't even salt the mashed potatoes. i figure if people want salt, they can add it, but i can't take it away.
i can hear the kitten next door playing.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:22 PM ::
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