Monday, November 14, 2005
my last post was a bit hurried.
i even forget what i said, so forgive me if i repeat myself.
i felt better when i was with sean today. we laughed a lot. i am so lucky to have her. i think my face lit up when i saw her today. it was such a horrible weekend. an this evening i am really depressed. worried about my sister, worried about bills and how much money i have left. and how long it will take to get back on SSI. will i have enough money to last me? and what if i don't. the cats come first. whatever they need, but i might be eating ice cubes for a week and sucking on the furniture. and i don't know how the hell i'm going to pay for the nursing visits at a hundred dollars a whack, the insurance will only go back ten days from when it's reinstated. never mind the weekly pdoc visits. can't get blood from a stone. isn't that the expression?everything is such a mess. i told the pdoc that the klonopin wasn't doing anything for me anymore so she prescribed some extra seroquel. i just took some klonpin an hour or so ago and i'm jumping out of my skin. it's had plenty of time to work. go to your special place, Lisa. calm down and go to your special place. oh shit, i forgot, i don't have a special place.
i'm going to head over to blogster and read a few blogs...
Posted by Lisa ::
7:22 PM ::
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