Sunday, November 13, 2005
i went back to bed after the nurse came. woke with my bladder ready to burst from the morning's diuretic. gingerly made it downstairs to the bathroom. managed not to pee on the way. hurrah!
have yet to put a load of laundry in.
the cats are in heaven out on the porch.sleeping in the sun.with the window closed, it's pretty warm out there. i have the back door open for some fresh air.
just managed to take a shower, which was against my will. though i do feel slightly better having done it. have to go out to get some creamer so i thought i'd best not look like a total loser.
for those of you who don't know, Denise's b'day is the 17th. don't forget to stop by her blog and wish her a happy day. sorry Denise, had to share the information.
everything seems so hard today. i have a pdoc appt. tomorrow. i'm sick of the klonopin not doing anything. i'm going to push for a change. at least that's what i say now. when i get in there, i might not have it in me. i don't know if i'm meeting sean before the appt. or not. i ihave to wait to hear from her in the morning. but if i tell her that i want a change on the klonopin, she can at least bring it up if i don't have the nerve to.
i'm starting to be interested by this NASCAR stuff. though i don't watch it, i like Babs updates. go figure.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:28 PM ::
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