Thursday, November 10, 2005
just had a chat with Tiny..made me feel better although she's having a rough time. listening to one of my favorite cds. that's helping. though the cat keeps jumping on the keyboard. she knows that's a sure way to get attention. i think she gave up and went up to bed. okay, now all the cats are in. too cold for them to be out there.
the good thing about tomorrow being a holiday is that they can't deliver any bills. hehe. i might just take over the world before Babs, Sooner and Jackiesue. just something i'm tinkering with. it does involve a lawn ball.
the one next door hasn't reappeared but sean saw one down the street. i wonder if the people next door will still have the fake flowers planted once the snow flies.
while i was IMing with tiny, talksalot came to the door with a letter, which hasn't been opened yet. she basically told me what was in it. and that the people next door who got rid of two dogs got a kitten named Jake. much quieter. i thank them.
i still wish that i hadn't voted "no dogs" so that my sister could stay here for a while if she needs to. she'd have to kennel the dogs and that would break her heart. more than asshole has.
if anybody else is on Yahoo IM, my screen name is "heffalumpboo." heffalump was already taken so i put the name of one of the cats on the end of it. i'm a little manic right now. i may just start calling everyone i know. at least it isn't three a.m.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:15 PM ::
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