Tuesday, November 08, 2005
didn't sleep very well last night. when the alarm went off this morning, i turned over and gave myself another half hour.
i have a stupid appt. with the squid in a little while. i almost called and cancelled. i'm not really sure why i didn't.
i have an appt. with the pdoc at noon. i wish i could just stay home and sleep. i go to get my meds this afternoon. i think i'm going to cut out going on saturdays. i don't know how good of an idea that is but i think i'll try it anyway.
is everybody getting out to vote today? i didn't register in the new town so i can't. not something that i thought of at all and not knowing where city hall is didn't help.
finally got some scoopable cat litter again. i'd had to use the clay stuff. the box stunk all the time despite the promise of "rose petal fragrance on contact." it's much better now.
i just called and cancelled my appt. with the squid. it's just too much today. i'm just too muddled to handle that today. told her i'd see her next week.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:08 AM ::
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