Friday, November 04, 2005
i went to coffee with sean...like i needed more coffee. man, i don't know how she manages not to hit things on the passenger side of the car. she's always within a hair of cars, curbs and things. i think i'm getting used to her floor it, brake.
we saw weird smoke coming from the chimney of the church in the center of town. she went in and told them about it. actually went into the adjoining house. the woman came out with her keys to go check it out. i thought it was so cool of sean to do. i would have just thought, that's strange and gone on about my business. then the church would have burned down and i'd have felt responsible.
she loaned me a couple of cds of the duhks. anyone ever heard of them. i'm going to listen to them later. she used post it notes on both to let me know the songs that she thought would upset me. so of course, i want to listen to them out of curiosity. but she knows me well and i should take her advice.
hey, can i still dress up at sooner's? last week i was an oreo. this week i want to be something different.
and (to the powers that be) don't forget to invite Johnny Depp. he likes to be invited rather than just show up.
Posted by Lisa ::
3:32 PM ::
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