Tuesday, November 01, 2005
i went to the pdoc today. she's taking away one med and exchanging it for something newer one. we can rebuild her.make her better, stronger, faster. she trusted me with a sample of 30 pills. she said that she has to see me next week. otherwise she'd have to admit me to the hospital to make the changes. obviously i chose meeting her next week. and we're starting to do away with the geodon. the one i'm supposed to eat with. because i'm not eating with it. therefore it's doing no good.the new anti-depressant is supposed to have fewer side effects. no weight gain, fewer sexual side effects (like i care about that.) tomorrow, sean is taking me to walmart. basically to stock up and cat food and litter, and coffee, can't forget the coffee. it's three dollars cheaper there than at my local grocer. okay, i confess. i buy Starbucks. yes, a big chain, but it tastes so damned good. she's going to come out of her way to pick me up so that we can do the trash. i actually only have one bag but i still have to clean out the mouse cage so that'll make another. i keep looking in the mouse cage expecting to see someone scurrying around. i should have cleaned it out already. it's sad. i've had mice for about seven years, maybe longer. i lose track of time a lot.
i didn't talk to the squid about the memories of my mother. i just don't feel safe enough with her yet.
it's downright balmy outside. it's supposed to be in the forties by morning. then tomorrow is supposed to be another nice day.
i got a new CD in the mail today. it came out in Ireland on friday and they must have wasted no time shipping it. it's amazing that i got it today. my favorite artist, Mary Black. i haven't listened to it yet. when i told sean that it came in the mail and that i hadn't listened to it, she said, are you crazy? she likes her too. i'll put it in the computer later tonight so that i can let sean borrow it tomorrow.
gosh, i am going on and on aren't i?
'nuff said, for now.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:05 PM ::
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