Sunday, October 30, 2005
so now it's light earlier in the morning? have i got that right?
my cell phone company doesn't push out a time signal. you have to set the time yourself. which i think is stupid.
no green food tonight. they were out of the little tubs of good pesto, so i got some in jar and i know it just isn't the same.
i slept all evening so now i'm wide awake. had no bad dreams though. it's amazing how those two tiny pills can stave off the nightmares. last night was so horrible with them.
i've decided not to give out halloween candy. though there are plenty of kids in the neighborhood. i'm going to turn out all the lights and hide on the third floor. with some diet cherry coke, if i can find any. haven't found any in any of the stores i've been to. it's been highly recommended.
tomorrow would be a good day to take out the a/c. in the sixties, sunny. but i haven't heard from my sister or my nephew. though i've sent them both a couple of emails. if they can't help, i'm thinking of just trying to get it out of the window and putting it on the floor just so that i can close that window and get rid of the draft.
anybody out there feel up to explaining how to post pictures?
Posted by Lisa ::
1:05 AM ::
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