Saturday, October 29, 2005
i keep thinking it's Sunday.i don't know why. it's supposed to be a beautiful day tomorrow. highs in the sixties. and lots of sun. it's dreary today. cold and cloudy.
i think tonight might be green food night.
i need something explained to me. there's a chair outside a house, on the curb on the next street over. obviously they're hoping someone will take it. it was rained on all last week and i imagine it smells and is soggy, yet they still leave it out there. do they really think that someone is going to take it now? plus, it's a pretty ugly chair. why do people do that?
i forgot to take my meds last night and had horrible dreams. they kept waking me up. it was awful.
i'd love to take a nap right now but i have to go get my meds in an hour and i'm afraid i'll oversleep.
everytime the heat goes on i see dollar signs. i didn't mind so much last year because i had the money from the sale of the house. i bought a condo. but that money only lasted so long. and here i am poor again. stuff happens.
Posted by Lisa ::
1:23 PM ::
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