Friday, October 28, 2005
it's taking a bit for me to used to being here, as opposed to the other site i used.
sean and i went for coffee today after she helped me take out my trash. (sean is my outreach worker. i'm bipolar and have PTSD and she helps me with things that are difficult for me. comes to my pdoc appts. and my drs. appt. with me because i have trouble speaking up.) well, we went to coffee and had a good time. i have this thing about taking out my trash, it makes me feel vulnerable. like everyone is watching me. when in reality i know that no one gives a shit. but she comes once a week to help me take it to the dumpster. we meet almost every weekday for coffee. to make sure that i get out of the house. if left to my own devices, i'd never leave the house. being with people makes me feel very tired.
tuesday, i had therapy, a drs. appt., met sean and went to get my afternoon meds (they don't trust me with many meds because i've been known to overdose) and i was exhausted on wednesday. slept most of the day. cancelled meeting with sean. didn't have to get my meds in the afternoon. my bed was my refuge.
when i told sean that i'd gone to doctor myself, she kept asking if i was serious. took some convincing to get her to believe me.
i'm still getting used to this site. so i know that i'm repeating some things that people already know.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:39 PM ::
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