Monday, October 31, 2005
things i hate
so i talked to H. over the weekend. and he was talking about all the places he's going and things he's doing. again not giving a shit if i have anything to share. now when we were together, he never wanted to do anything. obviously his fiancee is very good for him. i can remember him not wanting to go out to dinner and me saying, it's your dad's birthday. and he'd finally give in. it's not like he didn't have a good time once we got out. he did. he just never wanted to do ANYTHING. we never went to the movies but once in the whole time we were together. he preferred to rent videos. the part about it that bothers me is that it makes it look like i was the stick in the mud. because now he's doing all kinds of things that he wouldn't have done with me. there were a few times that i didn't want to do things but nothing compared to him. i don't know. maybe this woman doesn't take no for an answer the way that i did. when he said he didn't want to do something, i just let it go. maybe she doesn't do that. i know, i'm kind of rambling but i'm only on my second glass of coffee.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:00 AM ::
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