coming and going

Sunday, October 30, 2005

the case of the mysterious dog.
well, the neighbors did get rid of the dog. their neighbor on the other side went ballistic over the noise it was making. but today, they got another dog. how do i know all of this. well talksalot (the woman who lives at the other end of the building and is acting as trustee for the condo assoc.) came knocking on my door this afternoon. she said that she'd already had words with the dog couple and now we're voting about whether or not to ban dogs. i'm voting yes. she said a lot of other stuff which didn't stick in my head. she tends to go on and on repeating the same things and i just space out. and i never let her in the house. afraid she'd never leave and i'd be stuck with her for longer. i keep her uncomfortably standing on the porch and talk to her through the screen. kind of like prison. well, the ones on TV anyway.

Posted by Lisa :: 5:37 PM :: 0 comments

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