Thursday, November 03, 2005
i've read a lot tonight about people who suffer from depression and it pisses me off. if i could take it all on so that no one else would have to deal with it, i would in a second. then i'd just off myself and we'd be all done with that.
i saw a three year old mentally retarded girl in the caffe today. it made me so sad. her mother was talking to her like she was a normal three year old. i guess that's good. i don't know, she may have been four. but it just made me so sad. it's only going to get worse the older she gets. and her parents will have to worry about what will become of her after they pass.
i guess that was one reason i got an abortion. to not have to worry about that. the anniversary of it is coming up. late december, same day my mother died.
i know some of you know all this stuff already but i left my posts at blogspot. chose not to move them over. i just wanted to leave the place as it was. so you'll probably hear things that you've heard before. bear with me.
i took my pills at eight and i'm not sleepy yet. i don't think the klonopin is doing what it used to. i'm going to talk to the pdoc about that. i've been on it a long time. i don't think it has an effect on me anymore. i'd like to try something different. with all the changes she's made she may not be willing to do away with the klonopin right now. i don't know.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:19 PM ::
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