Friday, November 04, 2005
Another Day
went back to sleep after the nurse left. woke up around ten. made coffee. drank way too much of it.
sean is coming at twelve thirty and we're going to the pathetic little coffee house here in town. the iced coffee isn't bad there but any one of the hot coffees really suck. i don't know how a place can stay in business when they have lousy coffee. i guess being the only place in town helps.
this weekend is football and riding the exercise bike. losing that weight really gave me an incentive. let's see if i have incentive tomorrow. my nephews are supposed to come this weekend and take the a/c out of the window. which means that i have to clean the house. and i guess it's time to put away the fan.
still wondering if Babs leg is going to fall off.
think i'll go to sooner's tonight. can you imagine what his mailbox is going to be like with all the comments? hehe
i certainly hope the regulars from Blogster show up.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:10 AM ::
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