Sunday, November 06, 2005
i just found out today that my sister's boyfriend (who she's been with for 15 years) wants out. they've been remodeling their kitchen and she kept saying, i can't believe that it's going to be my kitchen, it looks so wonderful. and he never said a damned thing even though he's been thinking about this for months. the thing that gets me is that she's put up with his emotional abuse almost from the very beginning. example: he wasn't talking to her. he came into the living room, asked her if she'd like some eggs for breakfast. she said sure, thinking that he was talking to her again. a while later, he came into the living room with a plateful of eggs and set them down for the dogs. the bastard. she's stuck with him through so much shit and now her life is falling apart. i'd like to kick him in the groin repeatedly. boy would i like to do that. i'm afraid that she's going to fall apart. but there's nothing that i can do about it. just try to be there for her. which she hasn't let me do of late. she told me through email after a week.
of course, because i couldn't do anything about it, it made me want to cut. but i didn't. i was IMing empty and spyder. that made me feel a bit better as did the coronas and the chain smoking. i never smoke anywhere but in the kitchen, but i was smoking in the living room. with a candle top for an ashtray, seeing as i have none.
this whole thing is bullshit. he said that he wants better things. what the hell does that mean? both spyder and empty suggested that he had someone else. i don't know. i can't imagine what it's like for my sister.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:47 AM ::
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