Friday, November 04, 2005
boy was sean right about not listening to particular songs on the duhks cd. i should have listened to her. brought back a lot of bad memories just hearing part of the song. on the other cd, i will heed her warning.
the weekends are always a tough time for me. though i get to see marsha tomorrow afternoon. maybe i'll actually be able to talk to her.
i don't want to cut anymore. it causes so many problems. including the possibility of getting admitted to the fifth floor. (the psych ward.) i sure as hell want to avoid that at all costs. including needing stitches and not getting them. that, i've done a dozen times.the only reason that i got them last time was because i had a short sleeve shirt on when the nurse came in the morning. but one was really bad and it's a good thing that i got sutured up. it would have taken forever to heal. if it healed at all. regular nurse said that it wouldn't heal by itself. they sure heal a lot faster when they're stitched.
geez, time seems to be going so slow today.
wondered how Babs is feeling. she was a little low earlier. and yesterday.
i want sooners's to open though it won't for a few hours.
babs promised mr. depp would get an invitation.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:32 PM ::
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