Friday, November 04, 2005
still three hours before sooner's opens. damn, i want to see Johnny.
i wonder if Babs or her clone will be there.
i've decided not to dress up. and i have no stains on my shirt so i'm presentable. well, fairly so anyway.
i officially have no food in the house. i had some oscar meyer weiners but they grossed me out so i tossed them out. so now the question is, do i go for poppers? the last time i got half cheddar and half cream cheese. and they put bacon on my cheeseburger. if i tell them that they'll probably give me a cheeseburger for nothing. i don't do bacon. i don't usually do cheeseburgers either but when i get depressed (and when am i not?) i tend to eat meat. i should say, really depressed.
my sister is still acting funny. i call her and get the machine so i leave a message and she emails me a couple of days later. i don't know what's going on with that. i feel like i must be depressing her or something. but i try my best to be upbeat when i'm with her or when i talk to her. and i feel bad for not getting in touch with my brother. he called a couple of months ago, maybe longer than that, and i never called him back. i just don't like him very much. i feel bad because he has a young son and i'm missing seeing him. he's seven and he's as tall as a ten year old. and he can read anything. he reads cereal boxes, anything that is in front of him. i hope his love of reading lasts. i got him some Legos for christmas, he LOVES legos. i may mail them out early. mailing them means no contact with his mother or father which is what i prefer.his mother, well, for an example: at my mother's funeral, we weren't in the limo five minutes after the wake and she was saying that she knew who would really like one of the plants that were sent. i asked if we could just have some quiet time. i was so irritated that she coouldn't even wait a day. hell, the plant wasn't going anywhere. and my brother is the worst hypochondriac that i've ever met. a hangnail would send him to his bed. and they were both so greedy when i was cleaning out my mother's side of the house. everything and anything that they could get their hands on. and their house is already filled to the brim. they have paths to walk through amidst all the stuff. just gets my feathers ruffled. maybe too easily. i used to make excuses for my sister-in-law, but i stopped that a couple of years ago, sometimes people just act like witches and there's no way to excuse it. geez, i should turn this red. it's become a rant.
Posted by Lisa ::
6:08 PM ::
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