Thursday, November 10, 2005
my sister just called and cancelled dinner. she worked a long day and still had charting to do (she's a visiting nurse). she was going to just go home and go to bed. she said maybe over the weekend we could go and that she'd call me tomorrow.
i guess sean never got the message to call me. i probably would have just blubbered in her ear anyway. we're meeting tomorrow afternoon.
damn it's cold and windy. just went out for the ever important cigarettes and froze. of course i'm not wearing warm clothes, so that might have had something to do with it. i have to find my winter clothes. they could be anywhere. why is it that i did not label the boxes when i packed up? thought i was going to remember everything. idiot.
you might see a lot of blogs tonight.
there always seems to be a cat around me when i try to type. it's starting to get on my nerves, just like everything else gets on my nerves. i didn't realize that tomorrow is a holiday and i was plannning to go to the bank and close out an account. it's too late for that now. and that means that i won't get that form from the insurance company tomorrow and i can't call social security. all the things i need to do.
at least sean is working tomorrow. they work veteran's day so that they can have the day after thanksgiving off. the holidays are going to be lousy this year. with my sister going through what she is. maybe i can invite her over for thanksgiving dinner. she usually goes to the asshole's mother's. but i don't think that will be the case this year. she sounded pretty good on the phone. man, i just can't imagine living with him until the remodeling is done and the house is sold. it's a small house. only four rooms. hard to avoid someone.
i was planning to go out so there's no food in the house. i'm not going back out there now to face the grocery store.
Posted by Lisa ::
4:41 PM ::
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