Thursday, November 10, 2005
Life sucks
or so it seems lately. sean had to cancel today because she's having car trouble. the minute i got off the phone with her assuring that i was okay, i burst into tears. i'd just spend the whole day in bed but i'm going to dinner with my sister. which i don't feel up for but it'll get her out of the house and away from the asshole. i just took my allotment of seroquel for the day and it seems to be starting to help. at least i've stopped crying.
i don'tknow what i'm going to do if i have to go without my meds. it's bad enough with them.
i want to cut but i can't even go get stitches without my insurance.
sean asked me if i wanted her to check in with me later today and i said no. 45 minutes later i called her office bawling saying that i changed my mind. the secretary (whom sean has told to call her on her cell phone if i call) didn't answer the phone. it was someone else who said that she'd leave her a message.
yeah, the seroquel is helping.
it's windy as hell here. all my favorite trees have lost their leaves. one street over is so filled with leaves, it's like jumping into a pile of leaves with your car. it's cold out too.
just called marsha. she's so sweet. i told her that i talked to the insurance company and what the problem is. she said that maybe they could work out something with the meds. but i'll have to pay for them. but not a whole months supply at once. on a day to day basis.
and that's the end of my cheery news.
Posted by Lisa ::
10:53 AM ::
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