Wednesday, November 09, 2005
i went to the pdoc this morning. she thinks that i'm on too many meds and that's why i'm shaking so badly. i told her how i felt about the klonopin but she didn't change it, though she did say that people get used to it and it stops working....well, maybe next week i can get some where with that. she's raising the symbalta (sp) and cutting down on the lamictal. she doesn't feel like it's doing anything. hell, i don't know what's working or not working. i hate it when she asks me because i haven't a clue. all of this takes so much time, it's frustrating.
i spent the afternoon sleeping and crying.then i got a call from Marsha saying that she had tried to call in refills for some of my meds and the pharmacy said that my insurance had been cancelled. after eighteen different phone calls, it turns out it has something to do with the change of address. they're going to send me a form to fill out. i may have to go without some of my meds for a while. not a great day overall.
i am going to dinner with my sister tomorrow night. that's a good thing.
we're back to rainy weather. and cold. i don't think i'm ever going to get this air conditiioner out of my window.")
Posted by Lisa ::
12:08 PM ::
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