Tuesday, November 08, 2005
just ordered chinese. mostly veggie thing.
the kangaroos next door are making noise. sounds like they're dropping things between the walls.
the cat finally stopped sitting on the laptop and is now hiding behind me on the couch. it's supposed to get cold tonight so i guess i can expect at least two cats on me. probably three. though one of them is still outside. i turned on the bat light for him but he didn't come.
i have so many bills piled up. i have to deal with them. but most of me doesn't give a fuck. er, frog.
today was really exhausting. i should have gone to bed when sean dropped me off. now i'm not tired. and i don't know if i will get tired. marsha gave an extra seroquel to take if i was up in the middle of the night. she was so sweet this afternoon. sometimes i don't know what i'd do without that support. though i did hide away two klonopin today.
sean just called to check on me. said that she got my message. that she'd like to go to my appt. with me tomorrow. she's going to call me tomorrow morning, see if i'm okay to drive.
Posted by Lisa ::
8:16 PM ::
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