Thursday, November 10, 2005
here i am again. i warned you...
i really like the cds of The Duhks that sean loaned me. i recommend them.
frankly it was terrible not seeing her today. i felt like i needed to so much. and tomorrow is friday so i'll be on my own this weekend. i go in to get my meds on saturday but i don't know who's going to be there. i think it's marsha, but i'm not sure.
my big desicion for the night. to eat or not to eat. and if so, to go out and get the best pizza in town or have one delivered from someplace else.
i think the cat has finally settled down behind me on the couch. she kept walking across the keyboard to get my attention. it got my attention but only got her a soft flight to the couch.
okay, i made up my mind. delivery pizza instead of going out. i know, a big relief to all you guys. i hope it's good. got a veggie. crust better be crunchy instead of doughy. imagine something i need a plate to eat with. don't need one of those for the jalapenos. but i'm not in a jalapeno mood tonight. i wish that the really good place delivered. they'd get a lot more business. from me, anyway.
i just feel so lost today. i hope tomorrow is better. i delved into my nighttime meds, i hope i can sleep later. although i've not been having nightmares i have been having bad dreams. the kind that wake you up all panicky. and often when i wake up i don't know where i am. i keep thinking i'm in the old house. that felt like a much safer place. not that i'm worried about anyone breaking in or anything like that. it just felt safer. and there you have it...
Posted by Lisa ::
6:58 PM ::
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