Saturday, November 12, 2005
the nurse is really late this morning.
i just have a feeling that if she says anything, the kinds of things that she usually says, i'm going to lose it. i'll either start crying or tell her it's none of her business. the latter would be preferred. the former would make her feel bad. hmmm....which to go with????
sean says we'll get all of this health insurance stuff straightened out. and maybe i can get free samples from the clinic. but what to do about my asthma meds. i only took it once yesterday instead of twice and i was coughing and wheezing all night. scares the cats off me when i cough. i don't want to get back to the point of hoarseness from coughing. i took all my little asthma meds this morning and i'm still wheezing.
it all looks so different outside after all the wind that we had. now it looks like November. bleak for the most part with some trees still holding on to their leaves.
cripes i wish the nurse would come.it's two hours later than i usually get my meds.and i'm starting to feel it.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:04 AM ::
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