Monday, November 14, 2005
met sean before my pdoc appt. we filled out the paper work for the health insurance. and she is going to have the secretary fax it to them. it may take one or two weeks. it might go faster if after a couple of days we go down there and speak to someone in person. but there's no telling how long we'd have to wait. can't make an appt. the only good thing about this lapse in coverage is that i used it to cancel my appts. with the squid for the next two weeks. tomorrow morning sean is taking me to the social security office so that i can turn in some checks that they sent me after i was no longer eligible. now that i'm eligible again, i have to try to get that all straightened out. it's all nerve-wracking and a pain in the neck, but sean assures me that it'll all turn out okay. i got some free samples of a few of the meds from the pdoc. i have enough for a week. hopefully that will be enough.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:59 PM ::
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