Wednesday, November 16, 2005
sean is on her way over here to help me with the trash and then we'll go to the town coffee shop.
i took a nap after the nurse left. still very depressed. and this grey day isn't helping. i know that i'm supposed to spell it "gray" but i like it better the other way. took my seroquel so that i'll be ready to go out. the pdoc didn't get the changes to the nurses yet. i took the klonopin earlier, now i'm out of prns. instead of having one left over.
people have been talking about ECT. has anyone out there ever had it? i'm not sure what to think. i'll use someone's google search on their blog so that they'll get the money rolling in and do some research. how the hell did i ever find anything out before the computer? i went over to Smith and looked things up the old fashioned way. in books.
i know i'll be glad to see sean but i just want to go back to sleep. i wish it was a sunny day. i don't usually care much about the weather but i do wish it wasn't so depressing looking out there today. and i wish no nurse had to come this evening.
i am looking forward to having dinner with my sister tomorrow night.
next week being thanksgiving i won't see as much of sean, since they get the day after thanksgiving off. if my sister doesn't come for turkey, i imagine i'll just sleep all day. though i know there will be great college football games on.
they're emptying the dumpster now. i can hear it though it's all the way at the other end of the building past the parking lot. i have my own driveway. hehe. lots of perks about getting this particular condo. i just hate to through trash bags into a newly emptied dumpster. seems just plain wrong. i guess i'll get over it rather than have trash bags in my kitchen.
oh, the sun is peeking out.
heres sean now.
Posted by Lisa ::
11:31 AM ::
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