Wednesday, November 16, 2005
nurse is running late this morning. hope that doesn't mean another mix-up.
it's so foggy here that it's hard to see out the window.
i went to bed super early last night. woke up at one to let oliver outside then went back to sleep and didn't wake until my alarm went off. terrible sinus headache for the sixth day in a row. i think i have an infection. i should be having no troubles like that with the medication that i'm on. oh well, whaddya gonna do?
i hope this doesn't mean that it's going to be stern nurse. man, i wish that i didn't have to see her. i think i'm going to stop going for my evening meds two days a week and just have them set me up in the morning every day. yesterday i laid down for an hours nap and woke up at four fifteen. i'm supposed to be there at four. i quickly called them to let them know that i was on my way and it seemed to take forever to get there.i feel bad when i hold them up. though with all the forgotten meds and waiting around that i sometimes have to do, i don't know why. i guess because it's not usually the same person that i go see who leaves me waiting. and the evening nurse always goes over my pills with me. to make sure that they're not leaving anything out. i'm so glad that they were able to get free samples. lucky.
okay, now it's almost eight-thirty. i'm going to have a cigarette. if they have to walk into a smelly house, they'll survive.
Posted by Lisa ::
7:53 AM ::
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