Saturday, November 19, 2005
i did have dinner with my sister on thursday. it was depressing. she's devastated because of that jackass.
i was really upset thursday night and friday. over everything and nothing. i slept most of the day on friday. seems longer ago than yesterday. i went to bed at six last night and woke up at four.
marsha was able to get free samples of all my meds but the klonopin. because that one is a controlled substance. i'm not going to buy any. if the inhaler hadn't cost so much, i would. that means i'm going to start going through withdrawl tomorrow. that's happened before and it's not fun. terrible headache, feeling like bugs are crawling on you....all the good stuff.but maybe, since i don't feel like it's doing much good anymore, that won't happen. but i hear when you're coming off of that sometimes you don't sleep. i don't remember that from last time.
damned neighbor has his snow blower out. they're forecasting snow for wednesday. talksalot better have someone lined up for snow removal. i chose a condo instead of a smaller house so that i wouldn't have to deal with all that.i'll be damned if i'm going to shovel my driveway. it's not that huge but it's pretty long. for shoveling anyway. i want a nice person with a plow to take care of it.
i have to go searching for my winter clothes. i don't remember if they're in a box or a bag. and i have plenty of both. guess i'll do that later.
i've had a damned sinus headache off and on for seven days. i shouldn't be getting those with the allergy meds i'm on. but i guess my sinuses aren't impressed by it. end of complaint.
that's enough for now. i hear talksalot next door. hope she's not coming this way. don't have the patience.
Posted by Lisa ::
2:11 PM ::
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