Sunday, November 20, 2005
it's in the low fifties here today. it looks beautiful out. but the closest i've come to going out is to let the cats in and out.
i went to bed early last night and went back to sleep after the nurse came this morning. i just don't want to be awake.
i did do a little bit (read: very little bit) of cleaning today. and i'm going to do some more, some laundry and go through bills. woo hoo! i can barely contain my excitement. really.
i find that i'm disapointed that my sister won't be coming for thanksgiving. i know what she's going to do will be better for her.i've spent the past two thanksgivings alone. slept through most of them with the tv on a football game. i think i may get a chicken for me and the cats. they'll love it. that means going to the grocery store on one of the busiest weeks of the year. that doesn't sound too good. maybe if i do it tomorrow it won't be so bad.
i wish that i wasn't alone today.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:43 PM ::
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