Sunday, November 20, 2005
i find that i'm not too thrilled with the blogger alerts for new posts. they sent one in the middle of the night to cover quite a few blogs. i was expecting it around seven or so, so that you could actuallly read the days blogs that day. couldn't they put the best of blogster and blogger together? doesn't seem like too much to ask.
i'm actually doing laundry. there are clothes in the washer! i went out to get cigarettes and came back inside, wondering what that noise was. it's the washer, silly. just haven't heard it in a while.
i wish i had a different shower, speaking of getting things clean. i have a claw foot tub, which is cool, but it's less than 2 feet wide. and i always feel as though i'm going to fall out of it. i had a bigger claw foot tub at the house. it was nice and wide and long. this one sucks. looked good before i actually had to take a shower in it. now i'm stuck with it until i die!
had a nice chat with tiny. perked my spirits up a bit. have to start thinking about dinner. i have peanuts and mustard. hmm...wonder how that would be as a dipping sauce. no, not too good. it's yellow mustard.
Posted by Lisa ::
5:56 PM ::
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