Monday, November 21, 2005
i went to bed early last night after part of a rather gross eggplant parmesan grinder. it was crunchy. eggplant ain't supposed ta be crunchy.
i just went to the cable office and paid my overdue bill. i don't know why i let the bills go like that. i thought, if they turned off my modem, i'm going to be lost. of course there was an old guy with a hearing aid in front of me. he got a new television and couldn't figure out how to work it so he was going to have to pay for a service call. i felt bad for him.he had no one to figure it out for him.
today, sean and i go to the pdoc. i have to load up on free samples.
i have to call the insurance place and see if i have insurance again. i'm putting that off too. i have a whole list of stuff i'm putting off. i know that if i just do a couple of them, i'll feel better. but......
i'm IMing a friend who is having a really hard time. i feel so bad for her. but there really is nothing that i can say to help her to feel better.i've been where she is and nothing anyone says can touch it.
not a good day.
Posted by Lisa ::
12:11 AM ::
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