Tuesday, November 22, 2005
i knew sean wasn't going to remember to call. it's fucking sad. my whole morning can revolve around meeting with and she can't remember to call like she said she would. talk about a loser. the people i spend the most time with are paid to see me. and i'm going to be paying forever because of the insurance. i have no klonopin for tomorrow, no allergy meds. the klonopin is what concerns me. i don't know how i'm going to make it through the day without it. such a fucking loser. if this doesn't let up, i am going to end up in the hospital and i don't want that. sean brought it up today when i acknowledged that i didn't know whether or not i was going to be safe when i got home. our hospital has to take people whether they're insured or not. but hell, that sure isn't where i want to end up. at least here, i have my kitties. i don't have to deal with people. i don't have to deal with anyone kicking the end of my bed to wake me up for group. i don't have to play mind numbing games or kick a giant ball around in a circle, or say what my goals for the day are (which are usually killing the entire staff.)
Posted by Lisa ::
3:56 PM ::
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