Tuesday, November 22, 2005
just back from coffee with sean. i didn't stay long. maybe 35 minutes. only had a few sips of coffee (and it was actually good today) threw the rest away on my way out. i'm sure they hate it when people put liquids in their trash. they should provide a sink or something.
it was just too hard to be around even sean today. all those pills i had last night and now i just have empty containers. the nurse took them all this morning.
it's supposed to get really cold. and the chance of snow showers this evening. and my damned air conditioner is still in the window. i hate having to depend on other people for things. wish i could just take it out myself.
i'm really glad to be home, though i feel a little lost. it was hard being with sean. i couldn't really concentrate on anything she said. we didn't talk about the meds that the clinic couldn't provide. or anything about her calling the insurance office.
she said she was going to call me later and asked if i'd answer the phone. i told her i would.
Posted by Lisa ::
9:59 AM ::
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